Thursday, September 27, 2007

Considering a Dating Coach?

I read this N.Y. Times article about dating coaches and here is my analysis of its advice.

On devoting 15 hours a week to dating as suggested by coach Nancy Slotnick, I say that's not the correct commitment to make. You need to be in dating mode constantly or you will miss that cute guy who's reading The Onion at Starbucks on his lunch break. Thinking about it in terms hours to slot into your calendar is not the way I go about it when I am actively dating. The reason why is that when you are in a relationship, you will be in girlfriend mode constantly. Never look at your love life as putting in time. It's just wrong and a romance killer for sure.

I noticed that none of the singles and their coaches mentioned their dating goals. Setting goals is really important so you don't date aimlessly for months. I would advise anyone who hires a coach to insert an incentive into the payment structure that matches your timeline. Want a committed relationship within a year? Find a coach who agrees to a bonus for meeting that goal. Be sure to monitor your progress as you don't want to be spending money on someone who lets you coast along.

The most common piece of advice is to stay positive. With that in mind, I wish you all happy dating!

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